3 Insights for Navigating When God Redirects Your Plans
Discover practical insights for navigating life’s unexpected twists by understanding His bigger picture when plans go awry.
I’m blogging over at Club31Women this week about God’s Delight in you. Here’s an excerpt:
Have your plans been upset lately?
Your family time at Christmas did not turn out as you hoped.
The pregnancy test showed up negative again.
Your child did not get into her first-choice college.
The guy you thought might be “the one” unexpectedly broke up with you.
You got turned down for the job.
(add yours to this list)
Regardless of our age, our plans are often upset. In our disappointment, we can feel rejected, discouraged, misunderstood, and even forgotten by God.
So what do we do?
Remember Mary
Can you imagine how this young teenager who was looking forward to marrying the man of her dreams felt when she was blindsided by a pregnancy? How would Joseph respond? Her parents? The people of her village? What would happen to her?
Pause here and imagine how Mary must have felt.
In her troubled state–the angel proclaimed to her,
“The Lord is with you.” Luke 1:28.
When our plans are interrupted, the first thing we must remember is, God is with me. Jesus was named “Immanuel,” which means God with us. Moses tells us, “The Lord your God goes with you, he will never leave you or forsake you.” (Deuteronomy 31:6, Hebrews 13:5).
When I am disappointed, let down, or confused by my situation, I often say, “Jesus, you will never leave me. You’ve got this. You’ve got me. You are holding me tightly.”
We didn’t get the promotion. (adding to the list.)
When this happens, I trust that many things are coming from God, many of them I am even unaware of. 🙏❤️😊